Introducing the new SharePoint Admin Center

At the SharePoint Virtual Summit, Microsoft unveiled the latest innovations for SharePoint and One Drive, including powerful integrations across Office 365, Windows and Azure. Microsoft introducing completely revamped SharePoint Admin center built with strong principles. Below are the list of redesigned features introduced in new SharePoint Admin Center. (Source :Microsoft)


The redesigned "Home" is designed to surface the most important information and quickly help you discover some of the most important information about the service, both its health, and how your organization is using SharePoint Online.

Site management:

The new Site Management page promotes ease of use and flexibility .You can now sort, filter, and discover information about your sites and their activity.

They are bringing sharing controls to the forefront of administration.

Devices access:
Introducing new conditional access policies across user, location, and device pivots you can quickly access these polices.

Provided many settings available for user to SharePoint online and grouped.

All image sources:

To see more of the new SharePoint Admin Center check out the video below.

Reference - MSDN

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